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Monday, January 25, 2016

An Olio...

This post is a collection of somewhat unrelated items. However, we think you will discover some useful information.

Millennials Have Come of Age.

Each year at the beginning of the Fall we read the report from Beloit College that tells us the mindset of incoming freshman. You can read that report here: Beloit Mindset List.

Recently someone shared an infographic prepared by Goldman Sachs that contained some interesting information about the group of people we have labelled millennials. Millennials are now hitting their prime spending years! Apart from being a very good infographic, rich in content, it tells us something about our world today.

Check it out here: Millennials Infographic

Worst Passwords for 2015

No doubt some of you have read the recent report that tells us what the most popular passwords used! How do they even know that? (They do tell us the method used to find out this information in the article). The most used password is 123456. Second is the actual word itself, password. Are you amazed that people are still content to protect their valuable information with such weak and predictable passwords?

Have a look at the full article here: World's Worst Passwords for 2015

Digital Disruption

Worlds largest taxi company does not own any cars!
Worlds largest movie house does not own any theaters!

These are two of the interesting things to contemplate from a recent article from IBM. You can read more about it here: Digital Disruption - IBM

Here is a the graphic from the article:

It is also good for us to contemplate how the digital disruption has and will occur in higher education. It will happen! Are we ready?

Google Mail Add-ons

Top 10 Gmail Labs and Features You Should Enable

If you want to add more features to your web based Google Mail then have a look at these top 10 add-ons. I use several of these. Find the list here: Top 10 Google Mail Add-ons

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