Our latest big project--TeamDynamix--is now live!
The ability to submit tickets, search a knowledge base, and browse through the services we offer is now available! In essence, TeamDynamix is the way IS&T will track what we do both from a day-to-day standpoint as well as the projects, short and long, that we work on. TeamDynamix also provides an easier and more consistent way to communicate with you as we work for and with you.In the previous Hyperlink article, we had announced that it was coming. Since then we have been busy improving and making the service more consistent.
Today, we introduce TecHU.harding.edu (pronounced teck H U). It can be found at https://techu.harding.edu or via an icon on the upper right of Pipeline and will also be coming soon to the Harding app.
In it, you will find several features. On that page is a short introductory video that will describe how to navigate TecHU and the various features that are available.
Something that we have not offered before that we think you will like is the ability to submit service requests (tickets) online via the Submit a Ticket link in the left column. Of course, we are still happy for you to call using the numbers you will see on the lower right of the TecHU screen, but you will now also be able to request help anytime and we will respond as quickly as we can.
Even better, you will now be able to view your tickets using View My Tickets to keep up with progress on any outstanding issues. Using the options on that page, you’ll be able to see current as well as resolved tickets.
Some of you have used the knowledge base portion of Kenobi. With TecHU, there is a built-in knowledge base accessible with the Find Answers link. We will continually update it with new information as time goes on.
Later this summer, we will implement the project management portion. When it is live, you will be able to see and interact with the projects we are working on currently as well as future projects.
Of course, no modern software product would be complete without a search feature. It is at the top, and searching for a word or phrase will search all areas of TecHU.
TecHU also works very well on your phone or other mobile device, so be sure to try it out!
Hands-on training sessions will be offered, and you can sign up for them using the Introduction to TecHU (TeamDynamix) signup form.
We hope you will take the time to explore and enjoy TecHU! As always, please let us know your thoughts.
Brackett Library Adds New Digital Resources for 2018/2019
Westlaw Campus Research has been added to Brackett Library’s extensive holdings. Westlaw Campus Research provides a user-friendly interface and quality law, business and news content. Westlaw Campus Research can be accessed at http://libguides.harding.edu/westlaw. This resource will replace Nexis Uni, which will be discontinued on July 1, 2018.Academic Video Online (AVON) by Alexander Street Press has also been added to Brackett Library’s holdings. AVON is a comprehensive video library with over 64,000 titles, including documentaries, films, interviews, performances, news programs, field recordings, commercials and raw footage. A multitude of subject areas are covered including business, education, counseling, health sciences, history, film studies, music, and theatre. Some of the top content producers are Sony Picture Classics, 60 Minutes/CBS, A&E Networks’ History Channel, PBS, BBC, and Intelecom. The videos can be easily embedded into Canvas courses. Academic Video Online can be accessed at http://libguides.harding.edu/AVON.
Brackett Library has also added a large collection of Gale Primary Sources. This collection includes the following archives: Religion, Society, Spirituality, and Reform; Science Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925 Parts 1 and 2; Photography: The World through the Lens; Archives of Sexuality and Gender; Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers; The Times Digital Archive; Women's Studies Archive; and Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive. These resources can be found at http://libguides.harding.edu/galeprimarysources and http://libguides.harding.edu/slaveryandantislavery.