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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Scholar Works, 7th FacultyTechnology Showcase, Wireless Network changes and More!

Scholar Works

Harding's new Institutional Repository, Scholar Works at Harding, is the new home for research and creative works from Harding University faculty and students. One goal of Scholar works is to shine a light on all the research and works being developed by our own. Another goal is to share this research with the academic world, thereby increasing the scholarly impact Harding University faculty and students have on the world.

The librarians at Brackett library will be working with departments across campus to share more about the process in the coming semester. In the meantime, you can learn more about the specifics of Scholar Works at Harding at

To connect directly to Scholar Works at Harding, go to
Questions? Email or talk to your friendly library liaison.  

Faculty Technology Showcase

Today’s students often seek a dynamic learning environment that engages them in a variety of learning experiences. Technology provides one way of achieving that enriched environment. Several of our faculty members are already using creative methods to allow students to achieve success and we proudly showcase their hard work at the Faculty Technology Showcase (FTS). This has proven to be a great way to collaborate, educate and expand the use of technology on campus.

The agenda for this year’s showcase has been expanded to cover a range of topics, where faculty share, peer-to-peer, from their experience of using technology in the classroom. A faculty panel, comprised of faculty who used the national design standards of Quality Matters to create their online course for Summer 2017, will be available to share about that experience. There will also be numerous hands-on activities and time for exploration of some new and exciting additions to our technology resources. Our Keynote speaker, Keith O’Neal, plans to engage you with practical suggestions to get the most out of your students.
To fulfill the FTS goal of positively affecting the learning experiences for students and illustrating technological solutions, the following areas are addressed:
  • Educate - Increase awareness of the capabilities of technological solutions available to faculty 
  • Discover - Provide some hands-on time for faculty to explore a variety of technological tools 
  • Innovate - Promote technological resources faculty can incorporate in their classrooms 
  • Collaborate - Create a peer-to-peer network for further collaboration 
The Seventh Annual Faculty Technology Showcase is scheduled for Thursday, October 5, 2017 with 3 workshops to follow on Friday, October 6, 2017. Exploring technological tools and learning practical ways to utilize them in the classroom may be challenging for some, but an event like the FTS can be a great step forward in overcoming such a challenge.
Therefore, whether this is your first, or seventh, showcase, you can find resources and innovations that can be integrated into your instruction. The FTS is brought to you by the Center for Learning with Technology, a department of Information Systems & Technology (IS&T).
Please consider coming and being a part of this year’s showcase.  Watch for registration details coming to Pipeline soon.

Changes Coming to Wireless Networks

In order to simplify getting onto our wireless networks, we are making some changes in the near future.  We plan to implement the changes over Fall Break (October 13).  Right now when you check for available wireless networks there is a long list of available networks. It can be confusing.  After the change there will be three major networks (you may see one or two more depending on which building you are in at the time). They are:
  1. HU-Employee
  2. HU-Student
  3. HU-Guest
These three networks will be consistent all around campus so we will stay connected as we move around campus.

The HU Employee network will be accessed using a pre-shared key (PSK). This key will be shared with all employees closer to the time. You will also be required to enter your Harding username and password the first time you access the network on each device you use to access the network. After that you will not be required to enter this information again for quite some time. 

We will let you know more about this as the time draws closer.

Philo TV

Over the summer Harding switched television providers. The new system, Philo, provides digital HD content as well as recording capabilities.
Philo provides 64 channels of IPTV (TV available over the network) to devices such as computers, tablets, phones, some smart TV’s and Roku devices. It also allows you to record at least 20 hours of programming. To begin using it, simply go to and login. Please note that this is only available on campus and not over the guest wireless network.

Or if you have a TV connected to the existing coax network you can receive 24 channels. If you haven’t yet, be sure to redo the channel scan as the channels have changed.

Much more information is available Pipeline in TV Options under the Personal bar or by searching for TV. If you have trouble or questions, please call 4100. We’d be happy to tell you about the features and help you get it working.

After a long wait, Banner 9 (formerly known as Banner XE) is now ready to use. There are many new features, but the main thing you will notice is that the Banner “forms,” now called “admin pages,” are not really forms but more like modern web pages. Banner 9 admin pages also start up quickly and do not use Java so you should be able to use the web browser of your choice.

One of the big features of this upgrade is that during the transition period you can go back and forth between Banner 8 and 9. Also, some in your office can be using Banner 8 and others Banner 9, which should make the transition easier. We won’t have any more Mondays where you come in and “the whole world has changed.”

To help you do this, Jon Wrye and Lyn Blansett will be communicating with each departmental office about how and when to make the switch. Carl Walker will also be offering training in Banner 9 navigation as well. Although the navigation and appearance are different, all of the “form” names are still the same. Though it doesn’t take long to become comfortable with it, learning the shortcuts and other tips in training can make it even faster and easier to use.

We’re glad to have Banner 9 finally available and look forward to helping you transition to it. We think you will like it and find that it will make your job easier as well. There are already a couple of offices using it, and the reports are mostly favorable. We hope to have the offices that use Banner the most converted by the end of 2017 and the rest of the Banner users on Banner 9 by May 2018.

And Now, for Something Completely Different!

A number of departments were asked to prepare a skit, live or videoed, for the Staff Presession Conference. IS&T was asked to prepare something about networking, particularly networking with our colleagues. It was meant to be lighthearted, but with a message.

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